
I created Get Lost Guttate in order to share the products and processes I have used in my natural healing process. I want as many psoriasis warriors as possible to read my story- for free- and benefit from my experiences.

Throughout this blog, I include sources wherever possible. It is almost entirely based on online research, but some of my findings come from books, too. Given that many view skin health as a lucrative business, I am wary about authors' motivations. Generally, I rely on the below:

BBC Good Food
Grape Tree Health Foods
Hanna Sillitoe (more on this person in the next paragraph)
Holland & Barrett
The Soapery
The Soap Kitchen

Rather than relying on doctors' prescriptions, Hanna Sillitoe set out to triumph over her severe psoriasis, eczema and acne naturally. I was inspired by this journey, and followed her skincare advice. Nine months into my own healing, I reached out to Hanna on Instagram to express gratitude, where she kindly posted about this blog. My regular linking to her well-being business throughout these posts is not financially-motivated- it's just letting you know what I have implemented into my new lifestyle.

Screenshot of an Instagram post with 691 likes from “mygoodnessrecipes” showing two selfies of the same man, both seen from his right profile: shirtless, light brown quiffed hair, blue eyes. On the left, reddish psoriasis marks all over his face and body. On the right, they have completely disappeared. At the top, white text on a green background above reading: “CLEAR SKIN”. Below this, a subheading in white text on a red background reading: “It’s such a fabulous feeling”. At the bottom, a caption reading: “See more pics and checkout Scott’s journey”.
Hanna Sillitoe on Instagram as mygoodnessrecipes

After using Balmonds Skin Salvation on my June 2022 holiday, I noticed big improvements to my face. Due to this, I responded to a mail-out in which Balmonds were asking for people to share their stories. Impressed by my progress, they invited me to speak with a journalist, resulting in the below articles:





Screenshot of a Google search with three news article results, each of them with a small, square picture on the right-hand side. First article’s title reads: “Yorkshire Live: Student who turned into ‘hermit’ because of skin condition found cure with £20 ‘miracle’ cream”. Its picture shows a closeup of a man’s face covered with reddish psoriasis marks, seen from his right profile. Second article’s title reads: “Manchester Evening News: Man ‘became a hermit’ after waking up covered in drop-shaped sores”. Its picture combines two smaller images: on the left, a smiling man with a pale complexion; on the right, his back, covered in large, red, blotch-like psoriasis marks. Third article’s title reads: “The Independent: Man credits diet change and £19.99 skin cream for treating his psoriasis”. Its picture combines two selfies of the same man both seen from his left profile: shirtless, light brown quiffed hair, blue eyes. On the left, reddish psoriasis marks all over his face and body. On the right, they have disappeared: he has a clear complexion and is smiling.
My Balmonds articles

I was given a monetary gift for my time as well as several products from their range.

From my research, I have discovered a range of businesses whose creations have helped me establish and maintain my new, skin-friendly lifestyle. I reach out to thank them- and they sometimes respond offering a free item or vouchers. Other than this, I have no affiliation with any brands/retailers mentioned.

When introducing a new skin application, it is always recommended to do a patch test on a small area and leave it for at least 24 hours before using it all over.

Always speak to a pharmacist/nutritionist before incorporating supplements to your diet (I asked for advice at 2 chemists and 2 trained advisors at Holland & Barrett, who gave me the go ahead with the lists found in the 'Remedies: Supplements' page).

The information and advice here is not intended to replace that of a qualified practitioner. Do not self-diagnose/self-treat before consulting a trained health professional. I cannot be held responsible for the improper use of any remedy mentioned.

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