Saving Your Skin 💰

When the dreaded rent increase email fell into my inbox (are multiple homeowners not already comfortable enough?), the impending knock to my finances made me realise: it will equate to the price of my Biotic.

A psoriasis-friendly lifestyle can be expensive, and I don’t want fellow warriors to have to cut back on skin-loving essentials because of bills. This page is dedicated to the multiple easy, savvy and sometimes fun ways in which I save money!


‘Cashback’ is a percentage of the total cost for something purchased that is given back to you. TopCashback is a platform through which you can buy products and services from a range of retailers, accumulating a cashback pot as you do so. After transactions have been approved, you can then withdraw it.

There are many well-known merchants on there that I use for buying my skincare routine materials such as Holland & Barrett, ASDA, eBay and Superdrug. Since I’m spending this money anyway, getting a small portion back is an advantage. 

Cropped screenshot of Scot’s TopCashback earnings from Holland & Barrett. Their green logo on the left, figures in black text on the right: my total spend (£166.90), my total cashback earned (£18.55) and the current cashback rate (Up to 18%).
This shows you my total spend, total cashback and current cashback rate

Between January 2018 and June 2023, I gained over £600, which works out at more than £100 a year. It’s free to use, or there’s the option to pay a £5 annual fee for Plus membership (this amount has always just been taken out of my earnings).

Airtime Rewards

In a similar fashion to TopCashback, Airtime Rewards stores a percentage of your total spend with participating brands in your account. Once you reach £10, you can then redeem this off your mobile phone bill.

After linking a card, you don’t have to think about it anymore: all purchases through qualifying retailers are automatically tracked. What’s more, this one is completely free to use.

I’ve redeemed £50 between October 2021 and March 2023- the odd little reward I can put towards a food shop! Signing up using my referral code (A4JGPEDE) gets us both a small bonus.

Amazon Shopper Panel

As part of the Amazon Shopper Panel, 10 receipts can be shared in exchange for a £5 Amazon voucher every month. Small questionnaires (e.g. £0.25 for a one-question survey) can also be completed to boost this amount.

In a year, I’ve earned over £70. Admittedly, I’m not a huge fan of Amazon, but it offers supplements at the most affordable prices.

Receipt-scanning Apps

Similarly, ZipZero is an app where money can be earned through scanning receipts. The rewards are very small (£0.01 for every £1 spent) and are used for paying bills- when at least £10 has been amassed.

It’s taken me about 15 months to reach £20…not the fastest way to save, but this is essentially free money nonetheless!


Honey is a handy web browser extension that searches the Internet for discount codes. Once you’re at the basket stage of an online shop, Honey will pop up with any usable codes for you to apply.

Cropped screenshot of Honey browser extension: on the left, an animated golden coin with a face, arms and legs, dancing under confetti. On the right, black text reading: “6 Coupons Found! We’ll test and apply coupons in seconds”. Below, an orange button with white text reading: “Apply Discounts”. To the right of this, small, black, underlined text reading: “Try Later”.
Honey hunts for coupons to save you the time

Though this is a relatively new one to me, I have enjoyed several unexpected savings so far. Ocado offers a great choice of kombucha, and a surprise £15 discount made it all the more affordable.

Discount Shops

It’s always worth popping in to the discount shops since their stock can often vary. I found Herbal Essences Bio: Renew shampoo in OneBelow (also known as One Beyond) at incredibly low prices. Savers also do boxes of Dead Sea salt for a cost that’s much more competitive than other retailers.

Have a good browse in the discount supermarkets, too: Aldi have sold this excellent gluten free red lentil/beetroot pasta, and Lidl supply coconut water at a quarter of the price compared to elsewhere.

Sending Nice Emails

People are quick to fire off angry emails when service has been below their expected standards. I‘ve always believed that it’s therefore only right to let companies know when things go well.

I have shared my psoriasis journey with various brands whose creations have helped me in my healing process. Not only do most of them send heartening compliments as part of grateful responses, but some offer complimentary goods, too.

Two green Herbal Essences bottles in a clear, gift-wrapped plastic bag, from Pantene UK: the left, Aloe and Bamboo Conditioner; the right, Aloe and Bamboo Shampoo. Inside, a white thank-you note.
A generous gift from Pantene 

It’ll be a relief for Customer Service agents to engage in a pleasant conversation (I’ve been there!) and so be sure to reach out when something has had a positive impact on your life.

Student Discount

Don’t scroll past this one- anyone can become a student by enrolling in a cheap online course.

Sites such as StudentBeans and UniDays list brands that offer student discounts through them. From meals out to technology, beauty to travel, there are many aspects of your spending habits that could be made cheaper this way.

Loyalty Programmes

If you’re a regular spender somewhere, it makes sense to sign up for any loyalty programme(s) they offer. The Rewards for Life scheme offered by Holland & Barrett converts points collected through spends into vouchers that can be used at a later date.


Lastly, cooking in bulk is a great way to save. One sweet potato cottage pie ready meal would set you back several pounds, but when I make Hanna Sillitoe’s recipe, the ingredients only cost a couple of quid, and it provides around 4-5 meals for me. 

A white plate with a slice of sweet potato vegetable pie resting on a black hob. Behind it, an oven dish containing the whole pie, a wooden spatula sticking out of it.
Presentation is not my forte, but this pie is packed with skin-loving veg!


Some of us may be able to get help with water bills through WaterSure. There is certain criteria to meet: those eligible who have a "high essential usage of water" (this includes those of us with skin conditions) can apply. Think about it- we drink more water, regularly take deep/salt-enriched baths and likely wash our clothes on a frequent basis to keep them fresh and flake-free.

Use the above to cut your expenses and ensure that you can include all psoriasis-combatting products in your budget.

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