Weight Loss

A by-product of a diet in which fat, carbohydrate and sugar intake is heavily reduced- as well as a 3 day juice cleanse- is, of course, weight loss! This could be a win-win for some people, but my high metabolism meant that the half stone I lost took me down to a concerning 8st 11lb.

Maintaining a healthy weight is difficult during an elimination diet. I purchased a high-calorie drink powder, but it wasn't until I started reintroducing sweet treats that my body mass went back up to a more normal level.

Black bag with 'Vegan Mass Gainer' written across the front in white text.
Mixed with almond milk and (vegan chocolate syrup), this weight gain supplement made for a tasty drink.

Ensuring that nuts, seeds, avocado, chia, eggs, salmon, mackerel and dark chocolate are regular inclusions prevent me from becoming too underweight.

Here are some plant-based chocolate brands I also came across to put some fat into my daily eats:

Doisy & Dam


Love Raw



Raw Halo

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