Easy Way to 5 a Day

Many of us struggle to get our 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, although obtaining 30 'Plant Points' a week is establishing itself as a better goal. Here are some suggestions for both:

A closed glass jar with metal clasp lid, sitting on the edge of a wooden desk. In the background, a computer monitor and keyboard. Inside the jar, a granola mix of buts, dried fruit and oats.
Granola: 30g of dried fruit is one of your 5 a day, so pack it with raisins, sultanas etc.

Pint glass standing on a white table mat with black polka dots. In the background, some supplement bottles. The glass is half-filled with a pinkish liquid and metal straw.
Juicing: unfortunately, no matter how many pieces of fruit/veg you put into your juicer, the resultant drink only counts as one of your 5 a day. Better than none, though! 

Clear 95g packet containing two watermelon slices, from Morrisons.
Watermelon fans: 80g of fresh fruit is another one of your 5 a day. This is a quick, succulent and delicious way to tick another off!

Two packets of Bear Little Paws on a grey worktop: the left being peach and banana in orange and yellow, and the right being apple and blackcurrant in green.
BEAR Snacks: another speedy way to reach that target on the go.

An assortment of Nakd raw fruit and nut bars in red, dark blue, light blue, yellow and brown wrappers.
Nakd raw fruit & nut bars: no other ingredients!

Black 250g box of Napolina Gluten Free Organic Green Pea Fusilli pasta. In the middle of it, a transparent square showing green pieces of pasta inside.
Healthier pasta: swap your standard pasta for one made from green pea flour or lentils.

A small bowl of blueberries with a thin layer of frost on top of each one.
Frozen fruit: make life easier by always having some berries (or whatever you prefer!) handy in the freezer.

Three bags of Scrapples- from left to right: mango in an orange-coloured packet, apple in a turquoise packet and strawberry in a pink packet.
Scrapples: dried apple crisps.

Three boxes of Fruit Bowl Peelers side by side- from left to right: blackcurrant in a purple box, raspberry in a pink box and strawberry in a red box.
Fruit Bowl Peelers: equivalent to 1 portion of fruit.

One small, blue bottle containing a scarlet-coloured liquid with a label reading 'Radnor Fizz'. Behind it, eighteen identical bottles lined up together.
Radnor Fizz: a sparkling drink with real fruit juice.

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